Trip to Malaysia

Last week, i went to Malaysia with my friends. I've planned this trip a year ago. So, i have to save my money. Also, because i haven't much money, i've started looking for promo tickets, such as flight tickets, stayed at cheap hotel, using public transportations in Malaysia, and then go to a place that doesn't require the admission ticket.
This is not the first time i go to another country only by myself or with my friends. i dont know why, i really  like if i went alone to a country that i had never been before. Its just Im ready to get lost. Based on the types of tourism, maybe im a package holiday but without tourist agency. well, here my story.

1st Day

i woke up at 3 a.m, and im feel so sleepy but excited too. after that i took a shower, and check my luggage if i missed something. around 4 a.m, i went to bus station and took a bus to the airport.
my flight schedule was at 9.05 a.m, and i arrived at the airport at 6. when arrived, i check in and put my luggage on baggage. then, maybe at 7 i went to immigration in airports to get stamped, and i was really nervous because every time im in the immigration, the officer didnt allowed me to get the stamped easily. and what i was worrying about is happened.
Officer : "are you gisela?"
me : "yes, i am"
Officer : "how old are you?" (staring at me)
me : "im 18 now"
Officer : "where would you go?"
me : *c'mon, dont ask me again, the others are waiting* "im going to Malaysia"
officer : "how long?"
me : "only three days"
officer : "look at the camera"
me : *looking at the camera*
officer : "your face is different than the photo of your passports"
me : "yes, because im getting older, also it was took when i was 14"
officer : "ok, there you go"

Thats why i always get hard when im in immigration. and i really hope i never get into an immigration office at the airport. *skip*

im arrived in Malaysia at 12.05 p.m in Malaysian Time, so it was 11.05 in Jakarta. then, im going to my hotel in Bukit Bintang by bus. when i arrived at the hotel at 1 p.m , i took a rest for a while and then took a shower again and sleep. then i woke up at 5 p.m, then me and my friends decided to go to Twin Towers or Petronas Tower in KLCC by free bus. it tooks around 30 minutes because the traffic jammed. in Petronas Tower, i took a photo and then watching the water show. around 7 p.m im going back to the hotel. and in front of my hotel there was food markets. you can find fried durian and the taste was really really delicious, chinese food, malaysian food, KFC, etc. and then i tried fried durian, gelato, Wantan Noodles, Kwetiaw Kungfu, and air mata kucing.
